Convair N73121

This CV-580 aircraft is cn #35, a converted CV-340-31. It was built in December 1952 and delivered to United Airlines that month. It was acquired by Frontier Airlines in June 1959 and converted to a CV-580 in October 1964. In December 1979 it was sold to Gem State Airlines and then it was sold to Sierra Pacific Airlines in November 1983. In 1984 it was retired in storage to Pinal Air Park in Marana, Arizona and in September 1995 its civil registration was cancelled.

CV-340 N73121

CV-580 N3121

CV-580 N73121
FAT Mar 1980

CV-580 N73121

CV-340 N73121

CV-580 N73121

CV-340 N73121
INW 1961

CV-340 N73121

CV-580 N73121

CV-340 N73121

CV-340 N73121

CV-580 N73121

CV-340 N73121

CV-580 N73121
LAX Apr 1980

CV-580 N73121
SLC Aug1975