This MD-80 aircraft is cn #48022/1079, an MD-82. It was built in September 1982 and delivered to Martin Air in March 1983. It was then leased to Austrian Airlines in March 1984 and returned to Martin Air in November 1985 and leased to Frontier that same month. It was returned to Martin Air in November 1986 then leased to GPA/VIASA in March 1987 and then to GPA/Austral in September 1988. It was sold to UAS in January 1990 and then leased to Air Sur in July 1990. It was returned to UAs in April 1991 and leased to Oasis in July 1991. It was acquired by FSBU in January 1993 then leased to Continental Airlines in April 1993. It was acquired by 1Time in December 2004. It was reportedly acquired my many other companies after that but no specific info is available.